On the Trash we talk up to the Summer Slam weekend and some confusing story lines. Plus we go indy again and we have the Turnbuckle Trash version of SHARK WEEK!
On the Trash we talk up to the Summer Slam weekend and some confusing story lines. Plus we go indy again and we have the Turnbuckle Trash version of SHARK WEEK!
When three trash heads get together what do you get a Turnbuckle Trash full of Chair shots, blood and HOLY …. BLEEP
Today on Turnbuckletrash Chris and Dave talk the Super Let Down. Zane goes to a WWE live event and we talk some INDY trash too with a Devotion Champ
Dave and Zane discuss John Moxley and his appearance on Pod -cast this week
Now for extra trash- Dave Zane’s joke take a POWDER!!!! Chris ON THE mat has Chris and Zane talking Double or Nothing and the 24/7 or is it 7-11 belt.
Turnbuckle Trash goes to DCW and talks Indy’s We speak with Tombstone Jesus , Action Braxton, and Former Lucha Underground Champ Marty the Moth. Of course we have Chris on the Matt and Mountain Metal Music with Tombstone Jesus!
Chris on the Mat
Dave and Zane talk with That Wrestling Guy Plus the WWE Turnbuckle Trash Name Game. AlL that and Chris in the Matt
Today on TurbuckleTrash Zane Dave Chris and Ajay talk post Wrestlemania. Dave and Ajay have a guest Chris Vannii of who wrote about Mania Chris and Dave talk mania and Dave and Zane get into news and some conterversy.
I am sitting at my computer about to blow a gasket at the hypocrisy of John Oliver on the HBO program “Last week tonight” where he claims to be a fan of wrestling while at the same time criticizing the WWE.
First, I will admit some of the facts in the program are scary abut “wrestlers dying young”
Well let’s talk. Here are some of the greats in the industry who have lived into there 80’s . Killer Kowalski lived to 81, Bruno Samartino was 83, Ox baker 80, The Nature Boy just hit 70. Dig a little deeper, OK. You made it sound like all wrestlers die before 60.
Some wrestlers are still active in their 70’s, Jerry The King Lawler. Jerry has even had a stroke and a heart attack (live on RAW) Superstar Bill Dundee who was recently a guest on our Turnbuckle Trash podcast still gets in the ring at 74 . Terry Funk is 73, Bushwacker Luke 72, yet they still perform.
According to a google search the average life expectancy is 78.6 years. Does that mean everyone lives to 78.6 years old? Obviously not, people die every day from illness, injury, accident, murder. To put the blame on the WWE for those who passed to early is just wrong.
If that is the case, then let’s blame the music industry for the shooting death of Nipsey Hussle or the accident that caused the death of Justin Carter. Are the recent deaths of Jan Michael Vincent, or Luke Perry to be blamed on Hollywood.
I don’t know if Mr. Oliver knows this but we are all going to die! I am overweight, a cancer survivor and yet I still enjoy life. But if I look in the obituary’s I can find people who have died younger and older than I am.
My point is this. You can take statistics and prove a point, but when you add reality to stats that is when you get the real picture.
Is the WWE perfect? No, Mr. Perfect died way to young. Do they need to improve? Stone Cold would say “Oh Hell Yes”! Hopefully things will continue to improve for the performers over time.
Recently Roman Reigns said the wrestlers need time off. I agree, the lifestyle they live and the bumps in the ring can cause a huge strain on the body.
So, in some points Mr. Oliver you were spot on, but I need to call foul on a couple of points that you made, possibly in a feeble attempt at humor. The joke showing a picture of President Jimmy Carter then making a joke using the F bomb infuriated me. I say this as a conservative who thinks President Carter could go down as the worst President ever. The lack of respect you showed a President is inexcusable. And by the way when did using that word become acceptable even in the platform of your program.
Then showing the clip of Vince saying the “N” word. I noticed that your program ran it without bleeping the word out. Shame on you, I grew up in Memphis Tn. I was in the 5th grade when Dr. King was assassinated, I was part of the bussing plan for racial integration. I used to say that word a lot as a child. I stopped using it because I grew up and realized the hurt it caused people I knew and cared for. You and your program use it to get a reaction from your audience and for humor. You should be ashamed!
So is there room for improvement, Yes! Maybe, just maybe your program can help change things. But you came off as someone who is jealous of the success of the WWE. If you are a wrestling fan as you claim to be. There are options. Impact, R.O.H. All Elite, Lucha Underground. Heck there is a wrestler who rocks his opponents to sleep. Isn’t that correct “Gentleman Jervis”
For me, I prefer an RKO out of nowhere, a figure four leg lock or a F-5 any day. Enjoy wrestling for what it is. If the current state of the business is something you don’t care for, I suggest you cancel your subscription to the WWE network and to not watch RAW or Smackdown.
Everyone has a right to an opinion and for what it is worth that is mine.
Dave Denton
Turnbuckle Trash